Well yesterday was a drag. Not a particularly hard day but thanks to a mistake on my part it was much more difficult than it needed to be.
Dunfermline continued true to form, a couple more hills before the bridge over to Edinburgh. Edinburgh itself is a lovely place, but deceptively steep. A little bit of faffing around meant it took a while locating the boxes but find them I did. First Hanover St then across to old town on Hunter Square.
A family friend then met me and treated me to a pizza (and half of hers), before I continued down to Peebles for Scott Brash's post box.
This is where I realised my error. For some reason, in my mind I thought I was about 25miles from Jedburgh, but in actuality it was 38, so an extra hour or so...which sucked. Fortunately it wasn't too hilly so I made decent time, eventually reaching the b&b at 6ish.
On the plus side, and it's a massive plus, the weather was decent. Very little snow, no major wind. Still no sign of this mythical burning orb in the sky, but I live in hope!
Durham today, about 75miles. But first, breakfast and convincing myself to actually get up and on my bike.
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